Quentin Lopes

Front-end Web Developer

I'm a lifelong learner that loves building beautiful interfaces, web apps, and everything in between! Other than coding I also enjoy creating concept art, graphic design, and Judo.

My Toolbox

The skills, tools and technologies I use to bring products to life:


Image of Result Summary Component

Result Summary (Mobile & Desktop Design)

A page design where users can go over their specific categorized results. After further development this page will be incorperated into a full application called "Growth". With Growth users will be able to create personalized accounts and monitor their results through out the years.

Image of Mobile Landing Page

Workit Landing Page (Mobile)

A website offering personalized services that helps clients monitor their online business. the landing page informs viewers what the company offers and how they can become a beta tester.

Image of Product Card Component

Product Card Component (Mobile & Desktop Design)

Focusing on a clean and simple aesthetic, this responsive ecommerance component makes it easy for users to find the product they need.

Image of Chatplanet App

ChatPlanet (Responsive)

Created with a team of Digitalcrafts Alumni and my self, Chatplanet is a simple messaging application for users to interact with eachother around the world. Personal messages are saved to a database for smooth and seamless conversations.

Judo Image


(coming soon...)

Judoka is an intuitive application that helps beginner judo players learn the names of tecniques with quizzes a long the way.

Contact Me

Want to reach me directly? I'd love to hear from you, and I'll respond as soon as I can.